Package 'gcplyr'

Title: Wrangle and Analyze Growth Curve Data
Description: Easy wrangling and model-free analysis of microbial growth curve data, as commonly output by plate readers. Tools for reshaping common plate reader outputs into 'tidy' formats and merging them with design information, making data easy to work with using 'gcplyr' and other packages. Also streamlines common growth curve processing steps, like smoothing and calculating derivatives, and facilitates model-free characterization and analysis of growth data. See methods at <>.
Authors: Mike Blazanin [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Mike Blazanin <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Version: 1.11.0
Built: 2025-02-16 02:47:38 UTC

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Calculate area under the curve


This function takes a vector of x and y values and returns a scalar for the area under the curve, calculated using the trapezoid rule


  xlim = NULL,
  blank = 0,
  subset = NULL,
  na.rm = TRUE,
  neg.rm = FALSE,
  warn_xlim_out_of_range = TRUE,
  warn_negative_y = TRUE



Numeric vector of x values


Numeric vector of y values


Vector, of length 2, delimiting the x range over which the area under the curve should be calculated (where NA can be provided for the area to be calculated from the start or to the end of the data)


Value to be subtracted from y values before calculating area under the curve


A vector of logical values indicating which x and y values should be included (TRUE) or excluded (FALSE).


a logical indicating whether missing values should be removed


a logical indicating whether y values below zero should be treated as zeros. If FALSE, area under the curve for negative y values will be calculated normally, effectively subtracting from the returned value.


logical whether warning should be issued when xlim is lower than the lowest x value or higher than the highest x value.


logical whether warning should be issued when neg.rm == FALSE but some y values are below 0.


A scalar for the total area under the curve

Turn tidydesign into block format


This function allows users to convert designs created with tidydesign into a block format for easy output to csv for inclusion in lab notebooks, etc in a human-readable format


  collapse = NULL,
  wellnames_sep = "_",
  wellnames_colname = "Well"



A tidydesign data.frame (e.g. as created by make_tidydesign)


NULL or a string to use for concatenating design elements together. If NULL each design column will be put into its own block. If a string, that string will be used to paste together all design elements and all design elements will be returned in a single block


A string used when concatenating rownames and column names to create well names


Header for newly-created column containing the well names


A list of blockdesign data.frames (if collapse is not NULL the list is of length 1

Calculate derivatives of vector of data


Provided a vector of y values, this function returns either the plain or per-capita difference or derivative between sequential values


  x = NULL,
  return = "derivative",
  percapita = FALSE,
  x_scale = 1,
  blank = NULL,
  subset_by = NULL,
  window_width = NULL,
  window_width_n = NULL,
  window_width_frac = NULL,
  window_width_n_frac = NULL,
  trans_y = "linear",
  na.rm = TRUE,
  warn_ungrouped = TRUE,
  warn_logtransform_warnings = TRUE,
  warn_logtransform_infinite = TRUE,
  warn_window_toosmall = TRUE



Data to calculate difference or derivative of


Vector of x values provided as a simple numeric.


One of c("difference", "derivative") for whether the differences in y should be returned, or the derivative of y with respect to x


When percapita = TRUE, the per-capita difference or derivative is returned


Numeric to scale x by in derivative calculation

Set x_scale to the ratio of the units of x to the desired units. E.g. if x is in seconds, but the desired derivative is in units of /minute, set x_scale = 60 (since there are 60 seconds in 1 minute).


y-value associated with a "blank" where the density is 0. Is required when percapita = TRUE.

If a vector of blank values is specified, blank values are assumed to be in the same order as unique(subset_by)


An optional vector as long as y. y will be split by the unique values of this vector and the derivative for each group will be calculated independently of the others.

This provides an internally-implemented approach similar to group_by and mutate

window_width, window_width_n, window_width_frac, window_width_n_frac

Set how many data points are used to determine the slope at each point.

When all are NULL, calc_deriv calculates the difference or derivative of each point with the next point, appending NA at the end.

When one or multiple are specified, a linear regression is fit to all points in the window to determine the slope.

window_width_n specifies the width of the window in number of data points. window_width specifies the width of the window in units of x. window_width_n_frac specifies the width of the window as a fraction of the total number of data points.

When using multiple window specifications at the same time, windows are conservative. Points included in each window will meet all of the window_width, window_width_n, and window_width_n_frac.

A value of window_width_n = 3 or window_width_n = 5 is often a good default.


One of c("linear", "log") specifying the transformation of y-values.

'log' is only available when calculating per-capita derivatives using a fitting approach (when non-default values are specified for window_width or window_width_n).

For per-capita growth expected to be exponential or nearly-exponential, "log" is recommended, since exponential growth is linear when log-transformed. However, log-transformations must be used with care, since y-values at or below 0 will become undefined and results will be more sensitive to incorrect values of blank.


logical whether NA's should be removed before analyzing


logical whether warning should be issued when calc_deriv is being called on ungrouped data and subset_by = NULL.


logical whether warning should be issued when log(y) produced warnings.


logical whether warning should be issued when log(y) produced infinite values that will be treated as NA.


logical whether warning should be issued when only one data point is in the window set by window_width_n, window_width, or window_width_n_frac, and so NA will be returned.


For per-capita derivatives, trans_y = 'linear' and trans_y = 'log' approach the same value as time resolution increases.

For instance, let's assume exponential growth N=ertN = e^rt with per-capita growth rate rr.

With trans_y = 'linear', note that dN/dt=rert=rNdN/dt = r e^rt = r N. So we can calculate per-capita growth rate as r=dN/dt1/Nr = dN/dt * 1/N.

With trans_y = 'log', note that log(N)=log(ert)=rtlog(N) = log(e^rt) = rt. So we can calculate per-capita growth rate as the slope of a linear fit of log(N)log(N) against time, r=log(N)/tr = log(N)/t.


A vector of values for the plain (if percapita = FALSE) or per-capita (if percapita = TRUE) difference (if return = "difference") or derivative (if return = "derivative") between y values. Vector will be the same length as y, with NA values at the ends

Calculate centroid


This function takes a vector of x and y values and returns the x and/or y position of the centroid of mass of the area under the curve


  xlim = NULL,
  blank = 0,
  subset = NULL,
  na.rm = TRUE,
  neg.rm = FALSE,
  warn_xlim_out_of_range = TRUE,
  warn_negative_y = TRUE

centroid_x(x, y, return = "x", ...)

centroid_y(x, y, return = "y", ...)

centroid_both(x, y, return = "both", ...)



Numeric vector of x values


Numeric vector of y values


One of c("x", "y", "both"), determining whether the function will return the x value of the centroid, the y value of the centroid, or a vector containing x then y


Vector, of length 2, delimiting the x range over which the centroid should be calculated (where NA can be provided for the area to be calculated from the start or to the end of the data)


Value to be subtracted from y values before calculating the centroid


A vector of logical values indicating which x and y values should be included (TRUE) or excluded (FALSE).


a logical indicating whether missing values should be removed


a logical indicating whether y values below zero should be treated as zeros. If FALSE, the centroid for negative y values will be calculated normally, effectively pulling the centroid towards the x axis.


logical whether warning should be issued when xlim is lower than the lowest x value or higher than the highest x value.


logical whether warning should be issued when neg.rm == FALSE but some y values are below 0.


Other arguments to pass to centroid


This function uses st_centroid to calculate the centroid of mass


A scalar for the x value (if return = 'x') or y value (if return = 'y') of the centroid of the data

Calculate doubling time equivalent of per-capita growth rate


Provided a vector of per-capita growth rates, this function returns the vector of equivalent doubling times


doubling_time(y, x_scale = 1)



Vector of per-capita derivative data to calculate the equivalent doubling time of


Numeric to scale per-capita derivative values by

Set x_scale to the ratio of the the units of y to the desired units. E.g. if y is in per-second, but the desired doubling time is in minutes, x_scale = 60 (since there are 60 seconds in 1 minute).


A vector of values for the doubling time equivalent to the per-capita growth rate supplied for y

Design for example growth curve data A tidy-shaped dataset with the experimental design (i.e. plate layout) for the example data included with gcplyr.


Wells A1...A8 through F1...F8 contain 48 different simulated bacterial strains growing alone. Wells G1...G8 through L1...L8 contain the same 48 bacterial strains in an identical layout, but this time growing in the presence of a phage




A dataframe with 96 rows and 3 variables:


The well of the plate


The numbered bacterial strain growing in each well


Whether or not the bacteria were simulated growing with phages

Example noisy growth curve data in wide format


A dataset containing example growth of 96 wells of simulated bacteria or bacteria and phages

Wells A1...A8 through F1...F8 contain 48 different simulated bacterial strains growing alone. Wells G1...G8 through L1...L8 contain the same 48 bacterial strains in an identical layout, but this time growing in the presence of a phage




A dataframe with 97 rows and 97 variables:


time, in seconds, since growth curve began

A1, A2...H11, H12

bacterial density in the given well


Bacterial populations exhibit diauxic growth as they approach their carrying capacity, and they also evolve resistance in the face of selection from the phage population.

This data includes some simulated noise to approximate the noise generated during data collection by plate readers

Example growth curve data in wide format


A dataset containing example growth of 96 wells of simulated bacteria or bacteria and phages

Wells A1...A8 through F1...F8 contain 48 different simulated bacterial strains growing alone. Wells G1...G8 through L1...L8 contain the same 48 bacterial strains in an identical layout, but this time growing in the presence of a phage




A dataframe with 97 rows and 97 variables:


time, in seconds, since growth curve began

A1, A2...H11, H12

bacterial density in the given well


Bacterial populations exhibit diauxic growth as they approach their carrying capacity, and they also evolve resistance in the face of selection from the phage population.

This data does not include any simulated noise

Extract parts of an object


A wrapper for [ with handling of NA's for use in dplyr::summarize()


extr_val(x, i, allNA_NA = TRUE, na.rm = TRUE)



object from which to extract element(s)


index specifying element to extract.


logical indicating whether NA should be returned when all( == TRUE.


a logical indicating whether missing index values should be removed.


If all_NA = FALSE and na.rm = FALSE, identical to x[i].

If all_NA = FALSE and na.rm = TRUE, identical to x[i[!]].

If all_NA = TRUE, identical to x[i] unless all( == TRUE, in which case returns NA

Find local extrema of a numeric vector


These functions take a vector of y values and identify local extrema.


  x = NULL,
  window_width = NULL,
  window_width_n = NULL,
  window_height = NULL,
  window_width_frac = NULL,
  window_width_n_frac = NULL,
  return = "index",
  return_maxima = TRUE,
  return_minima = TRUE,
  return_endpoints = TRUE,
  subset = NULL,
  na.rm = TRUE,
  width_limit = NULL,
  width_limit_n = NULL,
  height_limit = NULL

  x = NULL,
  window_width = NULL,
  window_width_n = NULL,
  window_height = NULL,
  window_width_frac = NULL,
  window_width_n_frac = 0.2,
  return = "index",
  return_endpoints = TRUE,

  x = NULL,
  window_width = NULL,
  window_width_n = NULL,
  window_height = NULL,
  window_width_frac = NULL,
  window_width_n_frac = 0.2,
  return = "index",
  return_endpoints = TRUE,



Numeric vector of y values in which to identify local extrema


Optional numeric vector of corresponding x values

window_width, window_width_n, window_height, window_width_frac, window_width_n_frac

Arguments that set the width/height of the window used to search for local extrema.

window_width is in units of x.

window_width_n is in units of number of data points.

window_height is the maximum change in y a single extrema-search step is allowed to take.

window_width_n_frac is as a fraction of the total number of data points.

For example, the function will not pass a peak or valley more than window_width_n data points wide, nor a peak/valley taller or deeper than window_height.

A narrower width will be more sensitive to narrow local maxima/minima, while a wider width will be less sensitive to local maxima/minima. A smaller height will be more sensitive to shallow local maxima/minima, while a larger height will be less sensitive to shallow maxima/minima.


One of c("index", "x", "y"), determining whether the function will return the index, x value, or y value associated with the identified extremas

return_maxima, return_minima

logical for which classes of local extrema to return


Should the first and last values in y be included if they are in the returned vector of extrema?


A vector of logical values indicating which x and y values should be included (TRUE) or excluded (FALSE).

If return = "index", index will be for the whole vector and not the subset of the vector


logical whether NA's should be removed before analyzing


Deprecated, use window_width instead


Deprecated, use window_width_n instead


Deprecated, use window_height instead


(for first_maxima and first_minima), other parameters to pass to find_local_extrema


For find_local_extrema, one of window_width, window_width_n, window_height, or window_width_n_frac must be provided.

For first_minima or first_maxima, set window_width_n_frac = NULL to override default width behavior.

If multiple of window_width, window_width_n, window_height, or window_width_n_frac are provided, steps are limited conservatively (a single step must meet all criteria).

In the case of exact ties in y values within a window, only the first local extrema is returned.


find_local_extrema returns a vector corresponding to all the found local extrema.

first_maxima returns only the first maxima, so is a shortcut for find_local_extrema(return_maxima = TRUE, return_minima = FALSE)[1]

first_minima returns only the first minima, so is a shortcut for find_local_extrema(return_maxima = FALSE, return_maxima = FALSE)[1]

If return = "index", the returned value(s) are the indices corresponding to local extrema in the data

If return = "x", the returned value(s) are the x value(s) corresponding to local extrema in the data

If return = "y", the returned value(s) are the y value(s) corresponding to local extrema in the data

Find the first local maxima of a numeric vector


This function has been deprecated in favor of the identical new function first_maxima


  x = NULL,
  window_width = NULL,
  window_width_n = NULL,
  window_height = NULL,
  return = "index",
  return_endpoints = TRUE,



Numeric vector of y values in which to identify local extrema


Optional numeric vector of corresponding x values


Width of the window (in units of x) used to search for local extrema. A narrower width will be more sensitive to narrow local maxima/minima, while a wider width will be less sensitive to local maxima/minima.


The maximum number of data points a single extrema-search step is allowed to take. For example, when maxima-finding, the function will not pass a valley consisting of more than window_width_n data points.

A smaller window_width_n will be more sensitive to narrow local maxima/minima, while a larger window_width_n will be less sensitive to narrow local maxima/minima.

If not provided, defaults to ~0.2*length(y)


The maximum change in y a single extrema-search step is allowed to take. For example, when maxima-finding, the function will not pass a valley deeper than window_height.

A smaller window_height will be more sensitive to shallow local maxima/minima, while a larger window_height will be less sensitive to shallow maxima/minima.


One of c("index", "x", "y"), determining whether the function will return the index, x value, or y value associated with the first maxima in y values


Should the first or last value in y be allowed to be returned?


Other parameters to pass to find_local_extrema


This function takes a vector of y values and returns the index (by default) of the first local maxima. It serves as a shortcut for find_local_extrema(return_maxima = TRUE, return_minima = FALSE)[1]

If none of window_width, window_width_n, or window_height are provided, default value of window_width_n will be used.


If return = "index", a vector of indices corresponding to local extrema in the data

If return = "x", a vector of x values corresponding to local extrema in the data

If return = "y", a vector of y values corresponding to local extrema in the data

See Also


A function that converts base-26 Excel-style letters to numbers


A function that converts base-26 Excel-style letters to numbers





A vector of column names in Excel-style base-26 letter format (any values that are already in base-10 will be returned as-is)


A vector of numbers in base-10

Fit a Smoothing Spline


This function is a wrapper for smooth.spline, which fits a cubic smoothing spline to the supplied data, but includes the option to remove NA values, and returns values in the original order.


gc_smooth.spline(x, y = NULL, ..., na.rm = TRUE)



A vector giving the values of the predictor variable.


A vector giving the values of the response variable. If y is missing or NULL, the responses are assumed to be specified by x, with x the index vector.


Additional arguments passed to smooth.spline.


logical whether NA's should be removed before analyzing. Required to be TRUE if any x or y values are NA.


See smooth.spline


Similar to smooth.spline, an object of class "smooth.spline" with many components. Differs in that x, y, and w have NA's at any indices where x or y were NA in the inputs, and x, y, and w are returned to match the input x in order and length

Import blockdesigns


Function to import block-shaped designs from files and return tidy designs. This function acts as a wrapper that calls read_blocks, paste_blocks, trans_block_to_wide, trans_wide_to_tidy, and separate_tidy


  block_names = NULL,
  block_name_header = "block_name",
  join_as_cols = TRUE,
  sep = NULL,
  values_colname = "Designs",
  into = NULL,
  keep_blocknames = !join_as_cols,
  warn_joinrows_nointo = TRUE,
  join_designs = NULL,



A vector of filepaths relative to the current working directory where each filepath is a single plate read to be read by read_blocks.


Vector of names corresponding to each design element (each block). Inferred from filenames, if not specified.

When keep_blocknames = TRUE, the output will have a column containing these values, with the column name specified by block_name_header.

When join_as_cols = TRUE, the block_names are also used as the output column names for each separated design column.


When keep_blocknames = TRUE, the column name of the column containing the block_names.


logical indicating whether blocks (if there are multiple) should be joined as columns (i.e. describe the same plate) in the tidy output. If FALSE, blocks are joined as rows (i.e. describe different plates) in the tidy output.


If designs have been pasted together, this specifies the string they should be split apart by via separate_tidy.


When join_as_cols = FALSE and sep is not specified, all the design values will be in a column named by values_colname. For other cases, see the Value section.


When sep is specified, into sets the names of the columns after splitting (see Value section for behavior when into is not set).


logical indicating whether the column containing block_names (or those inferred from file names) should be retained in the output. By default, blocknames are retained only if join_as_cols = FALSE.


logical indicating whether warning should be raised when multiple blocks are joined as rows (join_as_cols = FALSE) and sep is specified, but into is not specified.


Deprecated, use join_as_cols instead


Other arguments to pass to read_blocks, paste_blocks, trans_block_to_wide, trans_wide_to_tidy, or separate_tidy.

See Details for more information


Other common arguments that you may want to provide via ... include:

startrow, endrow, startcol, endcol, sheet - specifying the location of design information inside files to read_blocks.

wellnames_sep - specifying what character (or "" for none) should be used when pasting together the rownames and column names. Note that this should be chosen to match the well names in your measures.

into - specifying the column names resulting from using separate_tidy on the values_colname column.

Note that import_blockdesigns cannot currently handle metadata specified via the metadata argument of read_blocks.

If you find yourself needing more control, you can run the steps manually, first reading with read_blocks, pasting as needed with paste_blocks, transforming to tidy with trans_block_to_wide and trans_wide_to_tidy, and separating as needed with separate_tidy.


A tidy-shaped data.frame containing the design information from files. This always includes a "Well" column.

If keep_blocknames = TRUE, this includes a column with the column name specified by block_name_header and containing block_names (or block names inferred from file names).

The layout of the design values varies depending on the inputs:

If join_as_cols = TRUE, each block was joined as a column, with the columns named according to block_names (or block names inferred from file names). In this case, if sep was specified, each column was split by sep into columns named by splitting the corresponding block name by sep (post-split column names can alternatively be specified directly via into).

Otherwise, when join_as_cols = FALSE, each block was joined as rows, with the column containing all design values named by values_colname. In this case, if sep was specified, that single design column was split by sep into columns named by splitting values_colname (post-split column names can alternatively be specified directly via into).

Import blockmeasures


Function to import blockmeasures from files and return widemeasures This function acts as a wrapper to call read_blocks, uninterleave, then trans_block_to_wide in one go


  num_plates = 1,
  plate_names = NULL,
  wellnames_sep = "",



Vector of filenames (as strings), each of which is a block-shaped file containing measures data. File formats can be .csv, .xls, or .xlsx


Number of plates. If multiple plates uninterleave will be used to separate blockmeasures into those plates accordingly


(optional) Names to put onto the plates when output


String to use as separator for well names between rowname and column name


Other arguments to pass to read_blocks, uninterleave, or trans_block_to_wide


Common arguments that you may want to provide via ... include:

startrow, endrow, startcol, endcol, sheet - specifying the location of design information inside files to read_blocks

metadata - specifying metadata to read_blocks

See read_blocks for more details

If you find yourself needing more control, you can run the steps manually, first reading with read_blocks, separating plates as needed with uninterleave, then transforming to wide with trans_block_to_wide.


If num_plates = 1, a wide-shaped data.frame containing the measures data.

if num_plates is greater than one, a list of data.frame's, where each data.frame is wide-shaped.

Calculate lag time


Lag time is calculated by projecting a tangent line at the point of maximum (per-capita) derivative backwards to find the time when it intersects with the minimum y-value


  x = NULL,
  y = NULL,
  deriv = NULL,
  blank = NULL,
  trans_y = "log",
  na.rm = TRUE,
  slope = NULL,
  x1 = NULL,
  y1 = NULL,
  y0 = NULL,
  warn_logtransform_warnings = TRUE,
  warn_logtransform_infinite = TRUE,
  warn_min_y_mismatch = TRUE,
  warn_multiple_maxderiv = TRUE,
  warn_one_lag = TRUE,
  warn_no_lag = TRUE,
  warn_blank_length = TRUE



Vector of x values (typically time)


Vector of y values (typically density)


Vector of derivative values (typically per-capita derivative)


y-value associated with a "blank" where the density is 0. Is required when trans_y = TRUE.

A vector of blank values may be specified only when all of slope, x1, y1, and y0 are provided as vectors


One of c("linear", "log") specifying the transformation of y-values.

'log' is the default, producing calculations of lag time assuming a transition to exponential growth

'linear' is available for alternate uses


a logical indicating whether missing values or values that become NA or infinite during log-transformation should be removed


Slope to project from x1,y1 to y0 (typically per-capita growth rate). If not provided, will be calculated as max(deriv)


x value (typically time) to project slope from. If not provided, will be calculated as x[which.max(deriv)].


y value (typically density) to project slope from. If not provided, will be calculated as y[which.max(deriv)].


y value (typically density) to find intersection of slope from x1, y1 with. If not provided, will be calculated as min(y)


logical whether warning should be issued when log(y) produced warnings.


logical whether warning should be issued when log(y) produced infinite values that will be treated as NA.


logical whether warning should be issued when min(y) does not equal min(y[!]).


logical whether warning should be issued when there are multiple points in deriv that are tied for the highest, and only the first will be used.


logical whether warning should be issued when some, but not all, inputs are vectorized, and only one lag time value will be returned.


logical whether warning should be issued when calculated lag time is less than the minimum value of x.


logical whether warning should be issued when an unexpected number of blank values was provided and only the first will be used


For most typical uses, simply supply x, y, and deriv (using the per-capita derivative and trans_y = 'log').

Advanced users may wish to use alternate values for the slope of the tangent line (slope), origination point of the tangent line (x1, y1), or minimum y-value y0. If specified, these values will override the default calculations. If and only if all of slope, x1, y1, and y0 are provided, lag_time is vectorized on their inputs and will return a vector of lag time values.


Typically a scalar of the lag time in units of x. See Details for cases when value will be a vector.

Make design data.frame(s)


This is a function to easily input experimental design elements for later merging with read data


  nrows = NULL,
  ncols = NULL,
  block_row_names = NULL,
  block_col_names = NULL,
  block_name_header = "block_name",
  output_format = "tidy",
  wellnames_numeric = FALSE,
  wellnames_sep = "",
  wellnames_colname = "Well",
  colnames_first = FALSE,
  lookup_tbl_start = 1,
  pattern_split = "",


nrows, ncols

Number of rows and columns in the plate data

block_row_names, block_col_names

Names of the rows, columns of the plate blockmeasures data


The name of the field containing the block_names


One of c("blocks", "blocks_pasted", "wide", "tidy") denoting the format of the resulting data.frame

For easy merging with tidymeasures, leave as default of 'tidy'.

For human-readability to confirm design is correct, choose 'blocks' or 'blocks_pasted'.

For writing to block-shaped file(s), choose 'blocks' or 'blocks_pasted'.


If block_row_names or block_col_names are not specified, then names will be generated automatically according to wellnames_numeric.

If wellnames_numeric is TRUE, rows and columns will be numbered with "R" and "C" prefixes, respectively.

If wellnames_numeric is FALSE, rows will be lettered A through Z, while columns will be numbered


A string used when concatenating rownames and column names to create well names, when output_format = "wide" or output_format = "tidy"


Header for newly-created column containing the well names, when output_format = "tidy"


When wellnames are created for output_format = "wide" or output_format = "tidy" by paste-ing the rownames and column names, should the column names come first.


Value in the lookup table for the split pattern values that corresponds to the first value in the vector.

Lookup table by default is c(1,2,...,8,9,A,B,...Y,Z,a,b,...,y,z). If, for example, lookup_tbl_start = "A", then the lookup table will now be c(A,B,...Y,Z,a,b,...,y,z)


character to split pattern elements provided in ... by, if they're not already a vector


Each ... argument must be named, and must be a list with five elements:

1. a vector of the values

2. a vector of the rows the pattern should be applied to

3. a vector of the columns the pattern should be applied to

4. a string or vector denoting the pattern in which the values should be filled into the rows and columns specified.

If it's a string, will be split by pattern_split. Pattern will be used as the indices of the values vector.

0's refer to NA. The pattern will be recycled as necessary to fill all the wells of the rows and columns specified.

5. a logical for whether this pattern should be filled byrow


Note that either nrows or block_row_names must be provided and that either ncols or block_col_names must be provided


Depends on output_format:

If output_format = "blocks", a list of data.frame's where each data.frame is block-shaped containing the information for a single design element

If output_format = "blocks_pasted", a single data.frame containing the paste-ed information for all design elements

If output_format = "wide", a wide-shaped data.frame containing all the design elements

If output_format = "tidy", a tidy-shaped data.frame containing all the design elements


make_design(nrows = 8, ncols = 12,
            design_element_name = list(c("A", "B", "C"),
## To be reminded what arguments are needed, use make_designpattern:
make_design(nrows = 8, ncols = 12,
            design_element_name = make_designpattern(
                 values = c("A", "B", "C"),
                 rows = 2:7, 
                 cols = 2:11,
                 pattern = "112301",
                 byrow = TRUE))

Make design pattern


A helper function for use with make_design


  pattern = 1:length(values),
  byrow = TRUE

mdp(values, rows, cols, pattern = 1:length(values), byrow = TRUE)



Vector of values to use


Vector of rows where pattern applies


Vector of cols where pattern applies


Numeric pattern itself, where numbers refer to entries in values


logical for whether pattern should be created by row


list(values, rows, cols, pattern, byrow)

See Also



make_design(nrows = 8, ncols = 12,
            design_element_name = make_designpattern(
                 values = c("A", "B", "C"),
                 rows = 2:7, 
                 cols = 2:11,
                 pattern = "112301",
                 byrow = TRUE))

Create R objects or files as seen in vignette examples


This function makes it easy to generate R objects or files that are created in the vignette examples. Note that this function should not be counted on to produce the same output across different versions of gcplyr, as it will be frequently changed to match the examples in the vignettes.


make_example(vignette, example, dir = ".")



Number of the vignette the example object or file is created in.


Number of the example the object or file is created in.


The directory files should be saved into.


An R object, or the names of the files if files have been written

Make tidy design data.frames


This is a function to easily input experimental design elements for later merging with read data


  nrows = NULL,
  ncols = NULL,
  block_row_names = NULL,
  block_col_names = NULL,
  wellnames_sep = "",
  wellnames_colname = "Well",
  wellnames_Excel = TRUE,
  lookup_tbl_start = 1,
  pattern_split = "",
  colnames_first = FALSE,


nrows, ncols

Number of rows and columns in the plate data

block_row_names, block_col_names

Names of the rows, columns of the plate blockmeasures data


A string used when concatenating rownames and column names to create well names


Header for newly-created column containing the well names


If block_row_names or block_col_names are not specified, should rows and columns be named using Excel-style base-26 lettering for rows and numbering for columns? If FALSE, rows and columns will be numbered with "R" and "C" prefix.


Value in the lookup table for the split pattern values that corresponds to the first value in the vector.

Lookup table by default is c(1,2,...,8,9,A,B,...Y,Z,a,b,...,y,z). If, for example, lookup_tbl_start = "A", then the lookup table will now be c(A,B,...Y,Z,a,b,...,y,z)


character to split pattern elements provided in ... by


In the wellnames created by paste-ing the rownames and column names, should the column names come first


Each ... argument must be a list with five elements:

1. a vector of the values

2. a vector of the rows the pattern should be applied to

3. a vector of the columns the pattern should be applied to

4. a string of the pattern itself, where numbers refer to the indices in the values vector

0's refer to NA

This pattern will be split using pattern_split, which defaults to every character

5. a logical for whether this pattern should be filled byrow


Note that either nrows or block_row_names must be provided and that either ncols or block_col_names must be provided

Examples: my_example <- make_tidydesign(nrows = 8, ncols = 12, design_element_name = list(c("Value1", "Value2", "Value3"), rowstart:rowend, colstart:colend, "111222333000", TRUE) To make it easier to pass arguments, use make_designpattern: my_example <- make_tidydesign(nrows = 8, ncols = 12, design_element_name = make_designpattern(values = c("L", "G", "C"), rows = 2:7, cols = 2:11, pattern = "11223300", byrow = TRUE))


a tidy-shaped data.frame containing all the design elements

Create method argument for train of growth curve smoothers


This function generates a list which is compatible to be used as the method argument to train. This enables users to call train directly themselves with smooth_data smoothing functions.


makemethod_train_smooth_data(sm_method, tuneGrid = NULL)



Argument specifying which smoothing method should be used. Options include "moving-average", "moving-median", "loess", "gam", and "smooth.spline".


A data frame with possible tuning value. The columns should be named the same as the tuning parameters.

Note that, when using train, the tuneGrid must be passed both to this function as well as directly to train.


A list that can be used as the method argument to train. Contains elements: library, type, prob, fit, parameters, grid, fit, and predict.

See documentation on using a custom model model in train for more details.

Collapse a list of dataframes, or merge two dataframes together


This function is essentially a wrapper for any of dplyr's mutate-joins (by default, a full_join). The most typical use of this function is to merge designs with measures data, or to use the collapse functionality to merge a list of dataframes into a single dataframe. Merging is done by column names that match between x and y.


  y = NULL,
  by = NULL,
  drop = FALSE,
  collapse = FALSE,
  names_to = NA,
  join = "full",
  warn_morerows = TRUE,



First data.frame, or list of data frames, to be joined


Second data.frame, or list of data frames, to be joined


A character vector of variables to join by, passed directly to the join function


Should only complete_cases of the resulting data.frame be returned?


A logical indicating whether x or y is a list containing data frames that should be merged together before being merged with the other


Column name for where names(x) or names(y) will be entered in if collapse = TRUE.

If a value of NA then names(x) or names(y) will not be put into a column in the returned data.frame


Type of join used to merge x and y. Options are 'full' (default), 'inner', 'left', and 'right'.

  • A full join keeps all observations in x and y

  • A left join keeps all observations in x

  • A right join keeps all observations in y

  • An inner join only keeps observations found in both x and y (inner joins are not appropriate in most cases because observations are frequently dropped).

See full_join, left_join, right_join, or inner_join for more details


logical, should a warning be passed when the output has more rows than x and more rows than y?


Other arguments to pass to the underlying join function. See full_join, left_join, right_join, or inner_join for options.


Data.frame containing merged output of x and y

Maxima and Minima


Returns the maxima and minima of the input values.


max_gc(..., na.rm = TRUE, allmissing_NA = TRUE)

min_gc(..., na.rm = TRUE, allmissing_NA = TRUE)



numeric or character arguments


a logical indicating whether missing values should be removed.


a logical indicating whether NA should be returned when there are no non-missing arguments passed to min or max (often because na.rm = TRUE but all values are NA)


These functions are wrappers for min and max, with the additional argument allmissing_NA.


If allmissing_NA = FALSE, identical to min or max.

If allmissing_NA = TRUE, identical to min or max except that, in cases where min or max would return an infinite value and raise a warning because there are no non-missing arguments, min_gc and max_gc return NA

Moving window smoothing


These functions use a moving window to smooth data


  formula = NULL,
  data = NULL,
  x = NULL,
  y = NULL,
  window_width_n = NULL,
  window_width = NULL,
  window_width_n_frac = NULL,
  window_width_frac = NULL,
  na.rm = TRUE,
  warn_nonnumeric_sort = TRUE

  formula = NULL,
  data = NULL,
  x = NULL,
  y = NULL,
  window_width_n = NULL,
  window_width = NULL,
  window_width_n_frac = NULL,
  window_width_frac = NULL,
  na.rm = TRUE,
  warn_nonnumeric_sort = TRUE



Formula specifying the numeric response (density) and numeric predictor (time).


Dataframe containing variables in formula


A vector of predictor values to smooth along (e.g. time)


A vector of response values to be smoothed (e.g. density).


Number of data points wide the moving window is (therefore, must be an odd number of points)


Width of the moving window (in units of x)


Width of the window (as a fraction of the total number of data points).


Width of the window (as a fraction of the range of x)


logical whether NA's should be removed before analyzing


logical whether warning should be issued when predictor variable that data is sorted by is non-numeric.


Either x and y or formula and data must be provided.

Values of NULL or NA will be ignored for any of window_width_n, window_width, window_width_n_frac, or window_width_frac


Vector of smoothed data, with NA's appended at both ends

Paste a list of blocks into a single block


This function uses paste to concatenate the same-location entries of a list of data.frames together (i.e. all the first row-first column values are pasted together, all the second row-first column values are pasted together, etc.)


paste_blocks(blocks, sep = "_", nested_metadata = NULL)



Blocks, either a single data.frame or a list of data.frames


String to use as separator for output pasted values


A logical indicating the existence of nested metadata in the blockmeasures list, e.g. as is typically output by read_blocks. If NULL, will attempt to infer existence of nested metadata


If nested_metadata = TRUE (or is inferred to be TRUE), a list containing a list containing: 1. a data.frame with the pasted data values from blocks, and 2. a vector with the pasted metadata values from blocks

If nested_metadata = FALSE (or is inferred to be FALSE), a list containing data.frame's with the pasted values from blocks

Predict data by linear interpolation from existing data


Predict data by linear interpolation from existing data


  extrapolate_predictions = TRUE,
  na.rm = TRUE



A vector of known predictor values.


A vector of known response values.


A vector of new predictor values for which the response value will be predicted


Boolean indicating whether values of newdata that are out of the domain of x should be predicted (by extrapolating the slope from the endpoints of x). If FALSE, such values will be returned as NA.


logical whether NA's should be removed before making predictions


A vector of response values for each predictor value in newdata

Read blocks


A function that reads blocks into the R environment


  filetype = NULL,
  startrow = NULL,
  endrow = NULL,
  startcol = NULL,
  endcol = NULL,
  sheet = NULL,
  metadata = NULL,
  block_names = NULL,
  block_names_header = "block_name",
  block_names_dot = FALSE,
  block_names_path = TRUE,
  block_names_ext = FALSE,
  header = NA,
  sider = NA,
  wellnames_numeric = FALSE,
  na.strings = c("NA", ""),



A vector of filepaths relative to the current working directory where each filepath is a single plate read


(optional) the type(s) of the files. Options include:

"csv", "xls", or "xlsx".

"tbl" or "table" to use read.table to read the file, "csv2" to use read.csv2, "delim" to use read.delim, or "delim2" to use read.delim2.

If none provided, read_blocks will infer filetype(s) from the extension(s) in files. When extension is not "csv", "xls", or "xlsx", will use "table".

startrow, endrow, startcol, endcol

(optional) the rows and columns where the measures data are located in files.

Can be a vector or list the same length as files, or a single value that applies to all files. Values can be numeric or a string that will be automatically converted to numeric by from_excel.

If not provided, data is presumed to begin on the first row and column of the file(s) and end on the last row and column of the file(s).


(optional) If data is in .xls or .xlsx files, which sheet it is located on. Defaults to the first sheet if not specified


(optional) non-spectrophotometric data that should be associated with each read blockmeasures. A named list where each item in the list is either: a vector of length 2, or a list containing two vectors.

In the former case, each vector should provide the row and column where the metadata is located in all of the blockmeasures input files.

In the latter case, the first vector should provide the rows where the metadata is located in each of the corresponding input files, and the second vector should provide the columns where the metadata is located in each of the corresponding input files. (This case is typically used when reading multiple blocks from a single file.)


(optional) vector of names corresponding to each plate in files. If not provided, block_names are inferred from the filenames


The name of the metadata field containing the block_names


If block_names are inferred from filenames, should the leading './' (if any) be retained


If block_names are inferred from filenames, should the path (if any) be retained


If block_names are inferred from filenames, should the file extension (if any) be retained


TRUE, FALSE, or NA, or a vector of such values, indicating whether the file(s) contains the column names as its first line. If header = NA will attempt to infer the presence of column names. If header = FALSE or no column names are inferred when header = NA, column names will be generated automatically according to wellnames_numeric


TRUE, FALSE, or NA, or a vector of such values, indicating whether the file(s) contains the row names as its first column. If sider = NA will attempt to infer the presence of row names. If sider = FALSE or no row names are inferred when sider = NA, row names will be generated automatically according to wellnames_numeric


If row names and column names are not provided in the input dataframe as specified by header and sider, then names will be generated automatically according to wellnames_numeric.

If wellnames_numeric is TRUE, rows and columns will be numbered with "R" and "C" prefixes, respectively.

If wellnames_numeric is FALSE, rows will be lettered A through Z, while columns will be numbered


A character vector of strings which are to be interpreted as NA values by read.csv, read_xls, read_xlsx, or read.table


Deprecated, use filetype instead


Deprecated, use block_names_header instead


Other arguments passed to read.csv, read_xls, read_xlsx, or read.table


For metadata, read_blocks can handle an arbitrary number of additional pieces of information to extract from each blockcurve file as metadata. These pieces of information are specified as a named list of vectors where each vector is the c(row, column) where the information is to be pulled from in the input files.

This metadata is returned as the second list element of each blockcurve, e.g.:

[[1]] [1] "data" #1 [2] "metadata" [2][1] name #1

[2][2] date-time #1

[2][3] temp #1

[[2]] [1] "data" #2 [2] "metadata" [2][1] name #2

[2][2] date-time #2

[2][3] temp #2


Calling uninterleave on the output of read_blocks works on block data and the associated metadata because uninterleave operates on the highest level entries of the list (the [[1]] [[2]] level items), leaving the meta-data associated with the block data

trans_block_to_wide integrates this metadata into the wide-shaped dataframe it produces


A list where each entry is a list containing the block data frame followed by the block_names (or filenames, if block_names is not provided) and any specified metadata.

Read tidy-shaped files


A function that imports tidy-shaped files into R. Largely acts as a wrapper for read.csv, read_xls, read_xls, or read_xlsx, but can handle multiple files at once and has additional options for taking subsets of rows/columns rather than the entire file and for adding filename or run names as an added column in the output.


  filetype = NULL,
  startrow = NULL,
  endrow = NULL,
  startcol = NULL,
  endcol = NULL,
  sheet = NULL,
  run_names = NULL,
  run_names_header = NULL,
  run_names_dot = FALSE,
  run_names_path = TRUE,
  run_names_ext = FALSE,
  na.strings = c("NA", ""),



A vector of filepaths (relative to current working directory) where each one is a tidy-shaped data file


(optional) the type(s) of the files. Options include:

"csv", "xls", or "xlsx".

"tbl" or "table" to use read.table to read the file, "csv2" to use read.csv2, "delim" to use read.delim, or "delim2" to use read.delim2.

If none provided, read_tidys will infer filetype(s) from the extension(s) in files. When extension is not "csv", "xls", or "xlsx", will use "table".

startrow, endrow, startcol, endcol

(optional) the rows and columns where the data are located in files.

Can be a vector or list the same length as files, or a single value that applies to all files. Values can be numeric or a string that will be automatically converted to numeric by from_excel.

If not provided, data is presumed to begin on the first row and column of the file(s) and end on the last row and column of the file(s).


The sheet of the input files where data is located (if input files are .xls or .xlsx). If not specified defaults to the first


Names to give the tidy files read in. By default uses the file names if not specified. These names may be added to the resulting data frame depending on the value of the names_to_col argument


Should the run names (provided in run_names or inferred from files) be added as a column to the output?

If run_names_header is TRUE, they will be added with the column name "run_name"

If run_names_header is FALSE, they will not be added.

If run_names_header is a string, they will be added and the column name will be the string specified for run_names_header.

If run_names_header is NULL, they only will be added if there are multiple tidy data.frames being read. In which case, the column name will be "run_name"


If run_names are inferred from filenames, should the leading './' (if any) be retained


If run_names are inferred from filenames, should the path (if any) be retained


If run_names are inferred from filenames, should the file extension (if any) be retained


A character vector of strings which are to be interpreted as NA values by read.csv, read_xls, read_xlsx, or read.table


Deprecated, use filetype instead


Deprecated, use run_names_header instead


Other arguments passed to read.csv, read_xls, read_xlsx, or read.table sheet


startrow, endrow, startcol, endcol, sheet and filetype can either be a single value that applies for all files or vectors or lists the same length as files

Note that the startrow is always assumed to be a header


A dataframe containing a single tidy data.frame, or A list of tidy-shaped data.frames named by filename

Read wides


A function that imports widemeasures in files into the R environment


  filetype = NULL,
  startrow = NULL,
  endrow = NULL,
  startcol = NULL,
  endcol = NULL,
  header = TRUE,
  sheet = NULL,
  run_names = NULL,
  run_names_header = "file",
  run_names_dot = FALSE,
  run_names_path = TRUE,
  run_names_ext = FALSE,
  metadata = NULL,
  na.strings = c("NA", ""),



A vector of filepaths (relative to current working directory) where each one is a widemeasures set of data


(optional) the type(s) of the files. Options include:

"csv", "xls", or "xlsx".

"tbl" or "table" to use read.table to read the file, "csv2" to use read.csv2, "delim" to use read.delim, or "delim2" to use read.delim2.

If none provided, read_wides will infer filetype(s) from the extension(s) in files. When extension is not "csv", "xls", or "xlsx", will use "table".

startrow, endrow, startcol, endcol

(optional) the rows and columns where the data are located in files.

Can be a vector or list the same length as files, or a single value that applies to all files. Values can be numeric or a string that will be automatically converted to numeric by from_excel.

If not provided, data is presumed to begin on the first row and column of the file(s) and end on the last row and column of the file(s).


logical for whether there is a header in the data. If FALSE columns are simply numbered. If TRUE, the first row of the data (startrow if specified) is used as the column names


The sheet of the input files where data is located (if input files are .xls or .xlsx). If not specified defaults to the first sheet


Names to give the widemeasures read in. By default uses the file names if not specified


Should the run names (provided in run_names or inferred from files) be added as a column to the widemeasures? If run_names_header is NULL, they will not be. If run_names_header is a string, that string will be the column header for the column where the names will be stored


If run_names are inferred from filenames, should the leading './' (if any) be retained


If run_names are inferred from filenames, should the path (if any) be retained


If run_names are inferred from filenames, should the file extension (if any) be retained


(optional) non-spectrophotometric data that should be associated with each read widemeasures. A named list where each item in the list is either: a vector of length 2, or a list containing two vectors.

In the former case, each vector should provide the row and column where the metadata is located in all of the blockmeasures input files.

In the latter case, the first vector should provide the rows where the metadata is located in each of the corresponding input files, and the second vector should provide the columns where the metadata is located in each of the corresponding input files. (This case is typically used when reading multiple blocks from a single file.)


A character vector of strings which are to be interpreted as NA values by read.csv, read_xls, read_xlsx, or read.table


Deprecated, use filetype instead


Deprecated, use run_names_header instead


Other arguments passed to read.csv, read_xls, read_xlsx, or read.table


startrow, endrow, startcol, endcol, timecol, sheet and filetype can either be a single value that applies for all files or vectors or lists the same length as files,


A dataframe containing a single widemeasures, or A list of widemeasures named by filename

Separate a column into multiple columns


This function is primarily a wrapper for separate, which turns a single character column into multiple columns


  into = NULL,
  sep = "_",
  coerce_NA = TRUE,
  na.strings = "NA",
  message_inferred_into = TRUE,



A data frame


Column name or position


A character vector of the new column names. Use NA to omit the variable in the output.

If NULL, separate_tidy will attempt to infer the new column names by splitting the column name of col


Separator between columns passed to separate:

If character, sep is interpreted as a regular expression.

If numeric, sep is interpreted as character positions to split at. Positive values start at 1 at the far-left of the string; negative values start at -1 at the far-right of the string. The length of sep should be one less than into


logical dictating if strings matching any of na.strings will be coerced into NA values after separating.


A character vector of strings which are to be interpreted as NA values if coerce_NA == TRUE


logical whether column names for into should be printed in a message when inferred


Other arguments passed to separate


A data frame containing new columns in the place of col

Smooth data


This function calls other functions to smooth growth curve data


  x = NULL,
  y = NULL,
  subset_by = NULL,
  return_fitobject = FALSE,
  warn_ungrouped = TRUE,
  warn_gam_no_s = TRUE



Arguments passed to loess, gam, moving_average, moving_median, or smooth.spline. Typically includes tuning parameter(s), which in some cases are required. See Details for more information.


An (often optional) vector of predictor values to smooth along (e.g. time)


A vector of response values to be smoothed (e.g. density). If NULL, formula and data *must* be provided via ...


Argument specifying which smoothing method should be used to smooth data. Options include "moving-average", "moving-median", "loess", "gam", and "smooth.spline".


An optional vector as long as y. y will be split by the unique values of this vector and the smoothed data for each group will be calculated independently of the others.

This provides an internally-implemented approach similar to group_by and mutate


logical whether entire object returned by fitting function should be returned. If FALSE, just fitted values are returned.


logical whether warning should be issued when smooth_data is being called on ungrouped data and subset_by = NULL.


logical whether warning should be issued when gam is used without s() in the formula.


For moving_average and moving_median, passing window_width or window_width_n via ... is required. window_width sets the width of the moving window in units of x, while window_width_n sets the width in units of number of data points. Larger values for either will produce more "smoothed" data.

For loess, the span argument sets the fraction of data points that should be included in each calculation. It's typically best to specify, since the default of 0.75 is often too large for growth curves data. Larger values of span will produce more more "smoothed" data

For gam, both arguments to gam and s can be provided via .... Most frequently, the k argument to s sets the number of "knots" the spline-fitting can use. Smaller values will be more "smoothed".

When using sm_method = "gam", advanced users may also modify other parameters of s(), including the smoothing basis bs. These bases can be thin plate (bs = "tp", the default), cubic regressions (bs = "cr"), or many other options (see s). I recommend leaving the default thin plate regressions, whose main drawback is that they are computationally intensive to calculate. For growth curves data, this is unlikely to be relevant.

As an alternative to passing y, for more advanced needs with loess or gam, formula and data can be passed to smooth_data via the ... argument (in lieu of y).

In this case, the formula should specify the response (e.g. density) and predictors. For gam smoothing, the formula should typically be of the format: y ~ s(x), which uses s to smooth the data. The data argument should be a data.frame containing the variables in the formula. In such cases, subset_by can still be specified as a vector with length nrow(data)


If return_fitobject == FALSE:

A vector, the same length as y, with the now-smoothed y values

If return_fitobject == TRUE:

A list the same length as unique(subset_by) where each element is an object of the same class as returned by the smoothing method (typically a named list-like object)

Return missing information about a line


Takes a set of inputs that is sufficient information to infer a line and then returns information not provided (either the slope, an x point on the line, or a y point on the line)


  x2 = NULL,
  y2 = NULL,
  x3 = NULL,
  y3 = NULL,
  m = NULL,
  named = TRUE


x1, y1

A point on the line

x2, y2

An additional point on the line

x3, y3

An additional point on the line


The slope of the line


logical indicating whether the returned value(s) should be named according to what they are (m, x2, y2, x3, or y3)


Note that there is no requirement that x1 < x2 < x3: the points can be in any order along the line.

solve_linear works with vectors of all inputs to solve multiple lines at once, where the ith element of each argument corresponds to the ith output. Note that all lines must be missing the same information. Input vectors will be recycled as necessary.


A named vector with the missing information from the line:

If m and x2 are provided, y2 will be returned

If m and y2 are provided, x2 will be returned

If x2 and y2 are provided, but neither x3 nor y3 are provided, m will be returned

If x2 and y2 are provided and one of x3 or y3 are provided, the other (y3 or x3) will be returned

Find point(s) when a numeric vector crosses some threshold


These functions take a vector of y values and identify points where the y values cross some threshold y value.


  x = NULL,
  return = "index",
  return_rising = TRUE,
  return_falling = TRUE,
  return_endpoints = TRUE,
  subset = NULL,
  na.rm = TRUE

  x = NULL,
  return = "index",
  return_endpoints = TRUE,

  x = NULL,
  return = "index",
  return_endpoints = TRUE,



Numeric vector of y values in which to identify threshold crossing event(s)


Optional numeric vector of corresponding x values


Threshold y value of interest


One of c("index", "x"), determining whether the function will return the index or x value associated with the threshold-crossing event.

If index, it will refer to the data point immediately after the crossing event.

If x, it will use linear interpolation and the data points immediately before and after the threshold-crossing to return the exact x value when the threshold crossing occurred


logical for whether crossing events where y rises above threshold should be returned


logical for whether crossing events where y falls below threshold should be returned


logical for whether startpoint should be returned when the startpoint is above threshold and return_rising = TRUE, or when the startpoint is below threshold and return_falling = TRUE


A vector of logical values indicating which x and y values should be included (TRUE) or excluded (FALSE).

If return = "index", index will be for the whole vector and not the subset of the vector


logical whether NA's should be removed before analyzing. If return = 'index', indices will refer to the original y vector *including* NA values


(for first_above and first_below) other arguments to pass to find_threshold_crosses


find_threshold_crosses returns a vector corresponding to all the threshold crossings.

first_above returns only the first time the y values rise above the threshold, so is a shortcut for find_threshold_crosses(return_rising = TRUE, return_falling = FALSE)[1]

first_below returns only the first time the y values fall below the threshold, so is a shortcut for find_threshold_crosses(return_rising = FALSE, return_falling = TRUE)[1]

If return = "index", the returned value(s) are the indices immediately following threshold crossing(s)

If return = "x", the returned value(s) are the x value(s) corresponding to threshold crossing(s)

If no threshold-crossings are detected that meet the criteria, will return NA

A function that converts numbers into base-26 Excel-style letters


A function that converts numbers into base-26 Excel-style letters





A vector of numbers in base-10


A vector of letters in Excel-style base-26 format

Test efficacy of different smoothing parameters


This function is based on train, which runs models (in our case different smoothing algorithms) on data across different parameter values (in our case different smoothness parameters).


  x = NULL,
  y = NULL,
  preProcess = NULL,
  weights = NULL,
  metric = ifelse(is.factor(y), "Accuracy", "RMSE"),
  maximize = ifelse(metric %in% c("RMSE", "logLoss", "MAE", "logLoss"), FALSE, TRUE),
  trControl = caret::trainControl(method = "cv"),
  tuneGrid = NULL,
  tuneLength = ifelse(trControl$method == "none", 1, 3),
  return_trainobject = FALSE



Arguments passed to smooth_data. These arguments cannot overlap with any of those to be tuned.


A vector of predictor values to smooth along (e.g. time)


A vector of response values to be smoothed (e.g. density).


Argument specifying which smoothing method should be used. Options include "moving-average", "moving-median", "loess", "gam", and "smooth.spline".


A string vector that defines a pre-processing of the predictor data. The default is no pre-processing. See train for more details.


A numeric vector of case weights. This argument currently does not affect any train_smooth_data models.


A string that specifies what summary metric will be used to select the optimal model. By default, possible values are "RMSE" and "Rsquared" for regression. See train for more details.


A logical: should the metric be maximized or minimized?


A list of values that define how this function acts. See train and trainControl for more details.


A data frame with possible tuning values, or a named list containing vectors with possible tuning values. If a data frame, the columns should be named the same as the tuning parameters. If a list, the elements of the list should be named the same as the tuning parameters. If a list, expand.grid will be used to make all possible combinations of tuning parameter values.


An integer denoting the amount of granularity in the tuning parameter grid. By default, this argument is the number of levels for each tuning parameter that should be generated. If trControl has the option search = "random", this is the maximum number of tuning parameter combinations that will be generated by the random search. (NOTE: If given, this argument must be named.)


A logical indicating whether the entire result of train should be returned, or only the results element.


See train for more information.

The default method is k-fold cross-validation (trControl = caret::trainControl(method = "cv")).

For less variable, but more computationally costly, cross-validation, users may choose to increase the number of folds. This can be done by altering the number argument in trainControl, or by setting method = "LOOCV" for leave one out cross-validation where the number of folds is equal to the number of data points.

For less variable, but more computationally costly, cross-validation, users may alternatively choose method = "repeatedcv" for repeated k-fold cross-validation.

For more control, advanced users may wish to call train directly, using makemethod_train_smooth_data to specify the method argument.


If return_trainobject = FALSE (the default), a data frame with the values of all tuning parameter combinations and the training error rate for each combination (i.e. the results element of the output of train).

If return_trainobject = TRUE, the output of train

Transform blocks to wides


Takes blocks and returns them in a wide format


  wellnames_sep = "",
  nested_metadata = NULL,
  colnames_first = FALSE



Blocks, either a single data.frame or a list of data.frames


String to use as separator for well names between rowname and column name (ordered according to colnames_first


A logical indicating the existence of nested metadata in the blockmeasures list, e.g. as is typically output by read_blocks. If NULL, will attempt to infer existence of nested metadata


In the wellnames created by paste-ing the rownames and column names, should the column names come first


A single widemeasures data.frame

Pivot widemeasures longer


Essentially a wrapper for tidyr::pivot_longer that works on both a single widemeasures as well as a list of widemeasures


  data_cols = NA,
  id_cols = NA,
  names_to = "Well",
  values_to = "Measurements",
  values_to_numeric = TRUE,



A single widemeasures data.frame, or a list of widemeasures data.frame's

data_cols, id_cols

Specifies which columns have data vs are ID's (in pivot_longer parlance). Each can be a single vector (which will be applied for all widemeasures) or a list of vectors, with each vector corresponding to the same-index widemeasure in widemeasures

Entries that are NA in the list will not be used

If neither data_cols nor id_cols are specified, user must provide arguments to tidyr::pivot_longer via ... for at least the cols argument and these arguments provided via ... will be used for all widemeasures data.frame's

names_to, values_to

Specifies the output column names created by tidyr::pivot_longer. Each can be provided as vectors the same length as widemeasures Note that if neither data_cols nor id_cols


logical indicating whether values will be coerced to numeric. See below for when this may be overridden by arguments passed in ...


Other functions to be passed to pivot_longer Note that including values_transform here will override the behavior of values_to_numeric


Pivoted longer data.frame (if widemeasures is a single data.frame) or list of pivoted longer data.frame's (if widemeasures is a list of data.frame's)

Uninterleave list


Takes a list that is actually interleaved elements from multiple sources and uninterleaves them into the separate sources. For instance, a list of blockmeasures that actually corresponds to two different plates can be split into two lists, each of the blockmeasures corresponding to a single plate. Uninterleave assumes that the desired sub-groups are perfectly interleaved in the input (e.g. items belong to sub-groups 1,2,3,1,2,3,...)


uninterleave(interleaved_list, n)



A list of R objects


How many output sub lists there should be (i.e. how many groups the interleaved list should be divided into)


A list of lists of R objects

Where is the Min() or Max() or first TRUE or FALSE?


Determines the location, i.e. index, of the (first) minimum or maximum of a numeric (or logical) vector.


which_min_gc(x, empty_NA = TRUE)

which_max_gc(x, empty_NA = TRUE)



numeric (logical, integer, or double) vector or an R object for which the internal coercion to double works whose min or max is searched for.


logical, indicating if an empty value should be returned as NA (the default) or as integer(0) (the same as which.min and which.max).


These functions are wrappers for which.min and which.max, with the additional argument empty_NA.


If empty_NA = FALSE, identical to which.min or which.max

If empty_NA = TRUE, identical to which.min or which.max except that, in cases where which.min or which.max would return integer(0), which_min_gc and which_max_gc return NA

Write block designs to csv


This function writes block-shaped lists (as created by read_blocks or make_design) to csv files, including both data and metadata in a variety of output formats


  output_format = "multiple",
  block_name_location = NULL,
  block_name_header = "block_name",
  paste_sep = "_",
  filename_sep = "_",
  na = "",
  dir = NULL,



list of block-shaped data to be written to file


NULL, a character string naming a file to write to, or a vector of character strings naming files to write to.

A file name is required when output_format = "single"

A file name can be specified when output_format = "pasted", or file can be set to NULL as long as block_name_location = "filename" (where pasted block_name metadata will be used for the file name)

File names can be specified when output_format = "multiple", or file can be set to NULL as long as block_name_location = "filename" (where the block_name metadata will be used for the file names)


One of "single", "pasted", "multiple".

"single" will write all blocks into a single csv file, with an empty row between successive blocks.

"pasted" will paste all blocks together using a paste_sep, and then write that now-pasted block to a single csv file.

"multiple" will write each block to its own csv file.


Either NULL, 'filename' or 'file'.

If NULL, block_name_location will be automatically selected based on output_format. For output_format = 'single' and output_format = 'pasted', block_name_location defaults to 'file'. For output_format = 'multiple', block_name_location defaults to 'filename'

If 'filename', the block_name metadata will be used as the output file name(s) when no file name(s) are provided, or appended to file name(s) when they have been provided.

If 'file', the block_name metadata will be included as a row in the output file.


The name of the field containing the block_names


When output_format = 'pasted', what character will be used to paste together blocks.


What character will be used to paste together filenames when block_name_location = 'filename'.


The string to use for missing values in the data.


The directory that file(s) will be written into. When dir = NULL, writes to the current working directory. (Can only be used when file = NULL)


Other arguments passed to write.table


Nothing, but R objects are written to files